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A Journey To Find Our Truest Calling

The Moon will be full at 11° Capricorn on July 3rd at 7:39 am EST. This Full Moon is also a Super Moon and boy what a beauty she is right now in the night sky as she gets ready to fully show off her gleaming beauty! The July Capricorn full moon is half time, check-in time, for the New Year’s resolutions you made, and time to set any new goals for the second half of the year, or ramp up the ones that are already in motion.

It’s time to get serious about long term plans under the Full Moon in Capricorn. You might be more cautious than usual, or find you’re focused on how to create lasting stability and security. Necessities, rather than fun extras, may take priority.

With the Moon in Capricorn we can be hard on ourselves and somehow fall for not feeling as if we are doing enough. The focus tends to shift towards productivity and achievements, but this can detach us from the emotional polarity of Sun in Cancer which is looking to revitalize and seek emotional security. Balancing these energies will demand we focus on stepping back from excessive doing for others, tapping into our feelings, and finding time to develop and enjoy an activity or hobby of some kind that makes us happy. It's a wonderful time to nurture our more ambitious nature.

Mercury will be doing its own dance with a starring role under the light of this Full Moon. Our minds will somehow feel as if they are activated and ideas will start pouring into our minds. We may also start getting clarity to pre-existing ideas that have been lurking in our minds for some time and now we get to see the clear picture to execute them.

Personally I see the Moon as an opportunity to go inward and have a heart to heart convo with our emotions. Full Moons are times to release the emotional baggage, complete circles of growth and transformation, while New Moons are all about starting a new phase of emotional lessons and opportunities.

With the “Axis of Security” being activated at this time with the Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Cancer, it is time to get emotionally involved with our sense of duty to our most intimate goals and desires. We do not have to shut down our emotions in order to get serious about the work we do and our mission in this lifetime.

Each Full Moon brings a chance to better understand a current matter. What’s finally becoming clear in your life during the Full Moon in Capricorn?

Do you feel good about who you are and what you’re doing in the world? Are those two things related? The next couple of days are a great time to reflect on your mission and gauge how well your outer and inner worlds support each other.

This Full Moon in Capricorn is inviting us to cultivate a deeper emotional resilience and connect with feelings of internal consistency and stability. It is an invitation to learn to be a safe space for ourselves, and practice holding space for our emotions without repressing them. If we tend to expect others to be a safe space for us, the invitation of the Capricorn Full Moon is to instead become the safe space we are drawn to seek externally.

Remember, full moons are beautiful reminders of how recurrent and seasonal our lives are. When we align with the natural rhythms of life, we allow ourselves to feel the eternal wholeness, ground ourselves in the present moment and truly enjoy life’s bliss.

Find a way to safely express your emotions. Feel what needs to be felt. Doing so, will not hinder our path of success… On the contrary, it will empower us with authenticity, vitality, and passion.

May you continue to do, or find the work that truly aligns with your passions, sets your heart in celestial motion, and speaks to you on an intimate and truthful soulful level!



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